Upcoming Classes, Workshops and Retreats with Brad Richecoeur.
Please see below for more information about my offerings over these next few months.
For further information about costs and how to book a place, click on the title in bold.
The Friday morning online class is Qigong focused. All the remaining classes, workshops and retreats I am now offering as Freedom of Being through meditation, Qigong (or free movement) and enquiry.
New and experienced students are always very welcome. If you are interested, but are uncertain about whether this is for you, do feel free to contact me. If you would like to join us but finances make this difficult do get in touch and we can see what is possible.
Online Friday Qigong Group, weekly 10-11.30am
Includes a recording of each week’s class.
Qigong and Meditation.
New term begins September 13th.
Online Tuesday Freedom of Being Group, weekly 7-9pm
Qigong, Meditation and Enquiry.
New term begins September 17th.
Freedom of Being Tuesday Group, fortnightly in Totnes, 2-4pm.
Birdwood House, Totnes.
Meditation, Free Style Movement (without Qigong) and Enquiry.
September 24th, October 8th, November 5th, 19th and December 3rd.
Freedom of Being Workshops at South Brent Village Hall, Devon
September 28/29, November 23/24th
Qigong, Meditation and Enquiry
Workshops can be taken individually or as a series.
Freedom of Being Retreats at Bala Brook, Dartmoor
October 22-27th, 2024
Qigong, Meditation and Enquiry
One to One Self Enquiry
Exploring the play between our ordinary human experience and this extraordinary essential, timeless nature. I offer a deep listening to both what is emerging in the moment and what’s happening in your life, supporting you to find a way to welcome your direct experience with a gentle love, wisdom and curiosity.
Online on zoom or in person at my home or garden depending on the weather.