Upcoming Classes, Workshops and Retreats with Brad Richecoeur.
For further information about costs and how to book a place, click on the title in bold.
The Friday morning online class is Qigong focused. All the remaining classes, workshops and retreats I am now offering as Freedom of Being through meditation, Qigong (or free movement) and enquiry.
Online Tuesday Freedom of Being Group, weekly 7-9pm
Qigong, Meditation and Enquiry.
New term begins January7th.
Online Friday Qigong Group, weekly 10-11.30am
Includes a recording of each week’s class.
Qigong and Meditation.
New term begins January 10th.
On Relating Workshops at Caddaford Barn Studios, Devon together with Joanna Watters
January 17th-19th and May 23rd-25th, 2025
Meditation, Freestyle Movement (without Qigong) and Enquiry
The workshop is for everyone, whether in a couple Relationship or not.
Freedom of Being Workshops at Caddaford Barn Studios, near Buckfastleigh, Devon
February 22/23, May 3/4, June 28/29, September 27/28, November 29/30
Qigong, Meditation and Enquiry
Workshops can be taken individually or as a series.
Freedom of Being Retreats at Bala Brook, Dartmoor
March 18th-23rd 2025 and October 21st-26th 2025
Qigong, Meditation and Enquiry
This is both a very personal and individual enquiry as well as a collective journey.
One to One Self Enquiry
Exploring the play between our ordinary human experience and this extraordinary essential, timeless nature. I offer a deep listening to both what is emerging in the moment and what’s happening in your life, supporting you to find a way to welcome your direct experience with a gentle love, wisdom and curiosity. From this radical attitude of welcoming ourself a wisdom can arise that supports life to unfold in new and unexpected ways.